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Drug abuse is becoming an increasing danger in our nation. Studies show even school students are attracted to these products. Thus a safe and healthy environment is mandatory for the proper grooming of students. To ensure such a milieu for the students and curb the menace of drug abuse , an anti – drug committee functions in the school. In order to maintain the status of a drug free campus, possession, consumption or use of drugs by students within the campus is totally banned and is a punishable offense. The students of class VI - XII are given a informative seminar about the ill-effects of drugs and are encouraged to take a pledge against drug abuse.  

Anti-Drugs Committee Members

  • Teacher in charge: P.E.T / S.G.T / Sp.G.T

  • Std IX – 15 students

  • Std XI – 15 students

Anti Drugs Objectives

  • To prevent use and distribution of illicit drugs.

  • To carry out regular and surprise checking for drugs in campus.

  • To encourage students volunteer to stand vigilant and report cases to the committee with evidence.

  • To organize various awareness programmes to educate the students about the ill effects of the use of drugs as well as the penalties for violation of the laws.

  • To display Anti-Drug posters at prominent places for insight of the students.