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From the Middle School Coordinator

“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice”

Today, the role of a school is not only to pursue academic calibre but also to empower its students to be lifelong learners. St.Patrick’s has provided the best possible environment for the healthy development of young children by planning a structured environment, despite the pandemic, which has altered our lives, including our school system, teachers, students, and even parents. To a teacher, learning is a process of constantly updating in an ever-changing world. In this technologically fast-changing world, our school promises to keep up the pace, benefiting both students and teachers through well-structured classes.

St.Patrick’s fosters critical thinking, promotes human values, instills high ethical standards, and develops leadership and social skills apart from imparting education to the students. St.Patrick’s is resolute to undertake the most pressing task of inculcating a sense of dignity and purpose in life among all students. These stalwarts of St.Patrick’s have always been a source of inspiration and encouragement, leaving a lasting impression in the minds of the students.

“Every child is new seed which has to be watered with care, manured with love, nurtured with uttermost affection” At St. Patrick’s, we create faceted diamonds with copious cutting edge qualities. We value the apprehension of parents and help to develop the child’s formative years in the most responsible way.

We produce proactive and progressive citizens for the country, for, it is easier to build strong children, than to repair broken men.

With Regards,
Mr. Stanley L.
Middle School Coordinator