(Kindly refer to the student's school diary for detailed information regarding the rules and regulations of the school)


(From Tamil Nadu Educational Rules (1973) Nos.93-98).
The following rules shall be in force in Higher Secondary Schools.
1. No student who has been convicted of any offence in a criminal court will be allowed to continue
studies in the school.
2. Students should abstain from active participation in party or communal politics.
3. Students who indulge in political propaganda or who organize fellow students into political action, on the premises of the school or who otherwise engage themselves in party politics, are liable to be
expelled from the school.
4. Students should not indulge in any activity leading to the disruption of peace and discipline and the dislocation of normal work in the school. Those guilty of violation of the rules will be severely dealt with.
5. Ragging is strictly forbidden; anyone who is guilty of ragging will be summarily and severely dealt with.
6. Students who are guilty of:
 a) Rude language towards the staff of the school (or) b) assault or attempt to assault the staff or fellow students at the school are liable to be expelled from the institution.
 7. If a teacher by speech or otherwise, seeks to mislead his/her students into activities deemed objectionable, he/she is liable to be punished for dereliction of duty.
 8. The headmaster and other constituted school authorities may frame and issue, from time to time, disciplinary rules of a permanent or temporary character, regulating the conduct outside the school, that seems necessary to maintain the credit, usefulness, and reputation of the school.

 1. Low hip or tight pants are not allowed.
 2. Students should wear only half-sleeved shirts and they should not be of a tight fit.
3. The shirt should be stitched long enough so that it does not come out when tucked in.
4. The shirt should not be tucked in shabbily.
5. Fingers and toenails should be cut regularly and the hair should be cut properly. (police haircut for boys)
6. The moustache should not cross the upper lip. Strict action will be taken if any student sports a twisted moustache.
 7. Students should not come to school wearing hand rubber bands, thread, earrings, or neck chains.
8. A student will be allowed to take leave only by submitting a leave note with the parent's signature to
 the class teacher.
 9. Students are not allowed to bring motorbikes, cell phones, smartphones, or smart watches to school. If violated, the item will be confiscated and not be returned.
 10. Students should come to school in uniform even on birthdays. Parents are expected to cooperate regarding the adherence to the above rules.
To inculcate higher moral values in our pupils without using corporal punishment, the following system is implemented.
If a student is proven to be defaulting in any of the criteria mentioned here, any teacher of the school will be at liberty to deduct marks and the cards will be issued according to the nature of default.
Parents are expected to support the school when disciplinary action is taken.
To be issued to student defaulters by the Discipline Committee and the Coordinator for the following reasons:
  • Using unfair means during examinations.
  • Irregular attendance
  • Late coming to school more than 3 times a month.
  • Improper uniform and wrong hairdo.
  • Disrupting classroom teaching.
  • Loitering on the campus during the class hours.
  • Missing classes, assembly, club activities, library, PT, etc.
  • Misbehaving in the school van.
  • Bringing unwanted materials, mobile phones, electronic gadgets etc.
To be issued to student defaulters by the Discipline Committee and the Coordinator for the following reasons:
  • Being disobedient.
  • Using abusive language.
  • Bullying or causing physical injuries to fellow students.
  • Damaging school property (a fine will also be imposed).
  • Theft, cheating, forging signature.
N.B.: If a Yellow Card is issued to a student, it means suspension from the school for three days.
To be issued to student defaulters by the principal, the discipline committee, and the coordinators in the presence of the parents.
  • Displaying rude or insolent behaviour with any staff.
  • Spreading false narratives and having a negative influence on fellow students.
  • Bringing to school or giving narcotic substances or alcohol to fellow students.
  • If found with sharp harmful objects, fireworks, colour powders, cake-smeared faces, etc. on them on campus or in front of the gate.
N.B.: Two Pink Cards are equivalent to one Yellow Card. Two Yellow Cards are equivalent to one Red Card. If a Red Card is issued to a student, it means suspension from the school for three weeks and expulsion from the school at the end of the academic year.
  • The character certificates which are issued to a student when leaving the school, will depend entirely on his/her behaviour and on how he/she has kept the school rules.
  • The school reserves the right to dismiss any student whose diligence or progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory whose conduct is harmful to other pupils or whose parents/guardians show little interest in the progress