What is a student council?
A student council is a group of elected students working together with an adult advisor within the framework of a school’s rules and regulations to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities,give opportunities for student experience in leadership and ancourage student/ faculty/community relations.
Purpose of the student council
The purpose of the student council is to develop leadership qualities by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects.In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare,the student council is the voice of the students.
Appointment of the student council members
The elected students are designated to the following posts.
Head boy
Head girl
House captains
Cultural secretary
Student reporter
Head prefect
Vice- Captains
Other prefects
The first six designation in the above mentioned list are the students from class XII.
The Vice captains are from class XI, while the other prefects are from class IX and XI.
Procedure of Nomination and Appointment
As per the procedure of our school, the senior staff of IX to XII nominate the students, both boys and girls for various designations, after which the staff cast their vote and rate the students under various crietrias as mentioned below.
The decision of the Headmaster is final and binding.
Discipline and character till date
Academic performance in the exams
Sports and extra curriculum
Consistency in the overall development of the student