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The best education does not happen at a desk, but rather engaged in everyday living – hands on, exploring, in active relationship with life. – Vince Gowmon

We, at St. Patrick’s take learning beyond the walls of the classroom and into daily living where they learn to be conscious citizens of Earth loving, conserving and protecting the only and dear Blue Planet.  To this end, the school inaugurated it’s first Enviro Club under the guidance of the then Principal Rev.Bro. Stanislaus and coordinated by Mr. Stanley on 5th September, 2011. Saplings were planted as a symbolic representation of their motto  PROTECT! PRESERVE!! & CONSERVE!!! and vouched to protect and  maintain the greenery of the campus.

With the steadfast guidance and support by Rev.Bro.Kennedy, the present Principal, the squad emerged with more contributions in maintaining the cleanliness and greenery of the heritage campus of  St.Patrick’s. The Squad organised a number of social activities such as bhogi rally, AIDS awareness  human chain, street theatres on Bhogi and Diwali, Awareness Rally against Blue Whale Game and also the No Honking Programme in collaboration  with Chennai City Traffic Police Department.

The Green Squad brought  glory to school by winning the 3rd Place in  ENERGY CONSERVATION AWARD amongst 225 schools across Karnataka, Andra Pradesh, Pondicherry and  Tamilnadu organised by Wonderla theme park, Bangalore in the year 2016. Through these initiatives the school attained the position as one of the top ten schools for the awareness rallies in the year 2019. In the same year Green Squad presented  335 saplings to the school to mark its 11th anniversary.

The school continues to inculcate in students a love for planet Earth, which begins by caring for one’s immediate surrounding.
Together then, let us PROTECT, PRESERVE & CONSERVE.

Green Squad Coordinator